
4 Common Reasons Why Your Home Wallpaper Might Peel

4 Common Reasons Why Your Home Wallpaper Might Peel

Wallpaper is a popular choice for adding personality to a home. It can help bring depth and warmth to your rooms, which paint alone cannot achieve. However, like paint, wallpaper is susceptible to various issues, such as peeling. Applying wallpaper is often time-consuming and expensive, so when it begins to peel, it is normal to feel frustrated.

Because peeling wallpaper is unpleasant, you might be tempted to do a quick fix instead of diagnosing the real problem and seeking professional help. However, ignoring the root cause of the issue is not a good idea, as it will only lead to your wallpaper peeling again over time.

To help you fully address the problem, here are four of the most common reasons why your wallpaper might peel and what you can do about it.

1. Humidity


Exposure to humidity is one of the most common reasons wallpaper may start peeling at seams and corners. Not only does this make your wall unattractive, but the possible formation of mould behind the wallpaper may also cause various health issues.

The key to successfully installing wallpaper in a humid environment is properly preparing products and methods. If your wallpaper has many coats of glossy paint underneath, give the adhesive more time to cure completely. Moreover, you should always select a wallpaper in Singapore that is trusted for its ability to handle warm, moist air. Some popular examples of extremely moisture-resistant wallpapers are micro-vented vinyl and fabric-backed vinyl.

2. Water leak

Water leak

Water is among the worst enemies of wallpaper, whether it is from a plumbing problem, appliance failure, or roof damage. Whenever water leaks down your wall, you can always expect damage to occur sooner or later. As a matter of fact, even when the water is not covering the wallpaper anymore, you will still deal with another issue, i.e., staining.

As such, it is very important to address the source of the water leak first before you begin doing any repairs on your wallpaper. Keep in mind that water leaks can always happen, even if you have the best home maintenance practice. In that case, dealing with them quickly can help avoid extensive damage.

3. Termites


If you notice cavities and holes within your walls, it may indicate that your home is infested with termites. Walls are specifically prone to termite damage because they have a considerable surface area and are accessible from the ground. If you have installed wallpapers onto your walls, you can also expect them to be susceptible to damage by these tiny pests.

If your wallpaper has small holes, there is a good chance you are dealing with a termite problem. If that is the case, the best action you can take is to contact a professional pest control company to help you get rid of the termites in your home before you start any wallpaper repairs.

4. Improper Installation

Improper Installation

Most often than not, when bubbles and marks appear on your wallpapers, the culprit to blame is poor installation. Some common indications that your wallpaper was improperly installed are misaligned wallpaper seams, corners that peel downwards, and huge bubbles appearing throughout the paper.

Depending on the wallpaper problem, various methods can be used to fix the damage, such as wooden seam rollers and adhesives. Sometimes, if the wallpaper is peeling so badly, the whole sheet may need to be replaced. Professional installers often do wallpaper installation to avoid any creases in the wallpaper, peeling, and other similar issues.


The most effective way to deal with peeling wallpaper is to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. By being aware of the most common causes of peeling wallpaper, you can develop efficient preventive measures, improve how you maintain your wallpaper, and avoid the potentially high costs of repair or replacement in the future. Proper care is key to having an aesthetically attractive wallpaper that lasts for a long time.

If you are looking for the most trusted wallpaper supplier in Singapore to provide you with high-quality and long-lasting wallpapers, look no further than at Wallhub! We offer an extensive range of more than 1,000 outstanding wallpaper designs that suit your home and other establishments. Besides wallpapers, we also supply other excellent home renovation solutions, such as vinyl flooring, carpet tiles, curtains and blinds, fluted panels, and more. For enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us now.

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